In the corridors of power, a subtle, yet pernicious force can insidiously undermine the very foundations of a democracy, transforming an administration and giving it the cloak of fascism. This force is no other than sycophancy – the excessive and insincere flattery of government personnel and people in power, political allies, and coordinators of administrations. When taken to an extreme, sycophancy can create a culture of blind loyalty, crushing constructive opposition and stifling dissent and criticism, and paving the way for authoritarianism to rear its evil head.
Sycophancy, more seldom than often begins innocently enough but like a budding plant, it more often than seldom, will metamorphose into a vicious phenomenon that can obliviously knock down all the sacred pillars of democracy in an administration, remaking such democratic administration into a fascist democracy. Government officials and politicians naturally surround themselves with like-minded individuals who share their vision and goals. However, when this camaraderie morphs into uncritically unreasonable devotion, it can have far-reaching consequences. Sycophants, eager to curry favor and advance their own interests, begin to idolize the leader’s image and power and prioritize his or her interests over the greater and common good.
As sycophancy takes root, it can lead to a culture of fear and intimidation. Critics are marginalized, silenced, or even punished for their perceived disloyalty, and this is not in sync with democracy. This creates a dark and chilling effect, where individuals become reluctant to speak truth to power, fearing retribution or ostracism. The administration, now shielded from constructive criticism, becomes increasingly isolated and detached from reality just as it was in the 2015-2023 APC Buhari administration of Nigeria. Then, no one could speak against even the not only perceived but known ills and impunities of that administration.
One of the most significant dangers of sycophancy is its ability to distort decision-making processes as it does not permit the rulers the true opportunity of a true and clear perspective of the reality of the society they administer. When surrounded by yes-men and women, rulers begin to believe the hype, ignoring warnings and opposing viewpoints. This can lead to catastrophic policy decisions, as the administration becomes disconnected from the needs, concerns and cries of the people they are elected to serve.
Furthermore, sycophancy can facilitate the concentration of power, as leaders begin to rely on a small circle of loyalists to maintain their grip on authority. This often leads to the erosion of checks and balances, as independent institutions and oversight mechanisms are emasculated and co-opted. The result is an administration that becomes increasingly unaccountable to the people, answerable only to the whims of the ruler.
The consequences of unchecked sycophancy can be devastating. History is replete with examples of administrations that have succumbed to the allure of fascist ideology, often with disastrous results. From the Nazi regime in Germany to the authoritarian governments of North Korea and Syria, the dangers of sycophancy are starkly evident.
In Nigeria, we are privy, even to this date, to be firsthand witnesses of the destruction of sycophancy in government. The deleteriousness of sycophancy to the last administration of Buhari has plunged Nigeria towards the brink of collapse and as the sycophancy still pervades the political system as the country remains under the administrative grip of the same ruling party, Nigeria is further being ‘suicidally’ tilted to the so-very-forewarned brink of total collapse as a state and as complete mockery of the once-upon-a-time title, ‘Giant of Africa’. The phenomenon of “yes-sir” syndrome has become all too common, where government officials and politicians prioritize loyalty over truth and integrity. This has led to a culture of impunity, where rulers are shielded from accountability and the rule of law is subverted.
To prevent the insidious creep of sycophancy, it is essential to cultivate a culture of critical thinking and embrace dissent, especially when it is constructive, reasonable and reflective of the reality of society. Government officials, politicians, and citizens must speak truth to power, without fear of retribution or ostracism. Independent institutions and oversight mechanisms must be strengthened, to provide a check on the concentration of power.
Ultimately, the fight against sycophancy requires a fundamental shift in our values and attitudes. We must prioritize competence, integrity, and accountability over blind loyalty and personal gain. What does it profit a people to gain the world and lose their nation?
We must create a more just and equitable society, where power is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people. After all is that not what democracy truly means? We, the people must realize that when we perpetuate the cankerworm dubbed sycophancy, we are indirectly silencing ourselves and others and turning our democracy into a government of a few because the voice and interests being pursued and pushed are only the interests of the rulers as we have, on our own, silenced ourselves and tucked in our interests and also done same to those who would have necessarily presented themselves as the very needed opposition for democracy to breathe and thrive.